tHeaderData is a structure used in ReaderHeader.
typedef struct {
    char ArcName[260];
    char FileName[260];
    int Flags;
    int PackSize;
    int UnpSize;
    int HostOS;
    int FileCRC;
    int FileTime;
    int UnpVer;
    int Method;
    int FileAttr;
    char* CmtBuf;
    int CmtBufSize;
    int CmtSize;
    int CmtState;
  } tHeaderData;
ArcName, FileName, PackSize, UnpSize contain the name of the archive, the name of the file within the archive, size of the file when packed, and the size of the file when extracted, respectively.
HostOS is there for compatibility with unrar.dll only, and should be set to zero.
FileCRC is the 32-bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check) checksum of the file. If not available, set to zero.
The Cmt* values can be used to transfer file comment information. They are currently not used in Total Commander, so they may be set to zero.
FileAttr can be set to any combination of the following values:
Value Description
0x1 Read-only file
0x2 Hidden file
0x4 System file
0x8 Volume ID file
0x10 Directory
0x20 Archive file
0x3F Any file
FileTime contains the date and the time of the file's last update. Use the following algorithm to set the value:
FileTime = (year - 1980) << 25 | month << 21 | day << 16 | hour << 11 | minute << 5 | second/2;
Make sure that:
year is in the four digit format between 1980 and 2100
month is a number between 1 and 12
hour is in the 24 hour format