ContentSendStateInformation is called to inform the plugin about a state change.
void __stdcall ContentSendStateInformation(int state,char* path);
Description of parameters:
state The state which has changed. The following states are defined:
contst_readnewdir: It is called when TC reads one of the file lists.
contst_refreshpressed: The user has pressed F2 or Ctrl+R to force a reload.
contst_showhint: A tooltip/hint window is shown for the current file.
path Current path. In case of contst_showhint, this is the path to the file, otherwise to the current directory.
Return value:
This function has no return value.
- This function may be used to clear a directory cache when called with parameter contst_refreshpressed or with contst_readnewdir, depending on the needs of the plugin.
- When the user presses F2 or Ctrl+R in custom columns view or thumbnails view, ContentSendStateInformation is called first with parameter contst_refreshpressed, then with contst_readnewdir.
- When the user changes to a different directory in custom columns view or thumbnails view, ContentSendStateInformation is called only with parameter contst_readnewdir.
- When the user switches from full view to custom columns view or thumbnails view, ContentSendStateInformation is not called at all!
- Do not ignore the state parameter, there may be more parameters added in future versions!